Are Your Feline Friends Suffering from Fleas?

Are Your Feline Friends Suffering from Fleas?

Cats are cuddly little creatures which many people like to possess. They look cute as well as cunning. Many people possess an adult cat or a bevy of kittens. Keeping cats as pets and tending for them is tough as they are a completely different species from us.

To admire a cat from afar is easy, but to take care of its diet, vaccination, hygiene, and behavioral issues takes a lot of knowledge and patience. Monitoring a cat for signs of ill-health requires experience, and a vet can help you with this if you are naive.

It is common for a cat to meow. However, it is important to distinguish routine meowing from one that indicates it is unwell. Cats suffer from a number of health issues such as flea infestation, obesity, rabies, herpes, etc..

Flea infestation is very common in cats as they regularly come into contact with other animals and unclean outdoors.

Whether your cat picked up these nasty parasites while bonding with other infested animals such as fellow cats and dogs or it got these bugs while lazing around in the dirty, dusty backyard, the latter are sure to peeve your cat to madness.

Symptoms of Flea Infestation:
1.Abnormal Scratching: Though it is normal for pets to scratch their body, too much of it could indicate that you cat is suffering from skin infestation by fleas. Fleas cause intense itching making your cat scratch aggressively.
2.Hair Loss: If your cat’s fur shows signs of hair loss or patches, it could be suffering from flea infestation.
3.Unexplained Nervousness: If your cat remains anxious and hyperactive for no obvious signs like a stranger nearing, it may be because it is unable to handle the itchiness caused by fleas. Cats display their anxiety by aggressive movements such as running to and fro, shaking head, and rubbing their body. If your cat usually doesn’t display such behavior, it could be something abnormal.
4.Excessive Grooming: Cats adore their beauty and love grooming. However, if they keep on licking themselves endlessly, it is not grooming but an attempt to get rid of the bugs that are biting them.
5.Red particles on Cat Fur: Examine your cat’s fur for red particles. This is actually flea excreta. If you find it in huge amounts, it shows that your cat is under heavy infestation by fleas.
6.Inflamed skin and lesions: Look out for these signs as these occur due to hypersensitivity reaction in cats infested by fleas.
7.Catch them Live: If you want to confirm whether fleas are the cause of irritation and sickness in your cat, pass your hands on the cat fur and find out whether anything is crawling. If you get your hands on crawling bugs, it is a sure-fire proof of flea infestation.
Flea Treatment:
1.Hygiene is the foremost requirement if you want your cats to quickly get off this infestation.
2.Clean the potential sources of fleas from where your cat could acquire this bug.
3.Opt for an effective spot-on liquid flea treatment that can be applied to cat’s skin with the help of a pipette.
4.Take your cat to a vet. A vet may suggest additional flea treatment measures for your cat.