Don’t Shun the Grey Metal for Investment Purposes

Don’t Shun the Grey Metal for Investment Purposes

Gold has been the hot favorite of investors. However, silver is not lagging behind. Though silver isn’t as precious as gold, but it is definitely one of the candidates for the noble and precious metal category. This grayish, shiny metal has a class and elegance which is marked by modernity, whereas gold is termed more traditional. Silver has uses far exceeding gold. So, this metal has grabbed the eyes of investors with its stunning shine and investment-friendly characteristics.
Investors, wary of the ever-changing instability of the stock market, are increasingly eyeing the yellow and gray metals, namely, gold and silver for their high stability and assured returns.
Though silver has caught the eye of investors who are putting their monies here, many are confused about the profitability of silver investment. So, is silver investment as lucrative as gold? What is the nature of silver investment? Is the market investor-friendly? Does VAT dampen the whole process?
Though gold is preferred as a means of investment, silver isn’t a lowly option to invest in. The silver market, in fact, is showing the strongest phase ever. So, investing in silver now will yield the highest returns. If you want to buy silver, there are a variety of ways to accomplish this. You can invest in silver coins, bars, silver certificates, or ETFs.
Physical Silver
Silver bars are a good way to put your money in silver. Many investors worry about the VAT part of silver purchase, but if you want to minimize the VAT that you have to pay while buying silver, buy bars of higher weight.
Bigger the bars, lesser is the VAT that you will have to pay. So, if VAT was the hurdle that was putting you off from investing in silver, don’t worry. A heavy chunk of silver investment will help you get away with the VAT. And silver isn’t so expensive that you cannot buy more. In fact, silver is something that an average-earning individual can easily buy unlike gold, which is reserved for the wealthy classes.
Silver coins are an attractive option especially for collectors. If you are a coin collector, you will undoubtedly be tempted by the shiny metal. Silver coin collections are rare, so you can create your USP there. But, you will have to part with extra cash as these coins are valued higher than the intrinsic price of silver in terms of weight. But, they are worth it. For investment purposes, silver bars are a better option.
Paper Silver
Silver certificates are a worthy form of investment for those who don’t like the hassles of storage. Some individuals are too insecure to store anything of high value at their homes or at their bank accounts.
During such uncertain times where thefts are a common phenomenon, this fear isn’t unfounded. So silver certificates offer a hassle-free option of investing in silver. Alternatively, you could own shares in silver by way of exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Either ways, there is no physical silver involved; you have nothing in your hands but on paper and you are the owner of a certain value of silver.
Silver investment demands have risen to a significant number from 2005 to 2012. 2013 has seen a low point in silver investment; however, this mindset needs to be changed by investors. Though silver resources are a cause for concern, making silver a small part of your investment portfolio doesn’t hurt anyone.