Make Sure the Winter Winds Don’t Sap Your Skin’s Moisture!

Make Sure the Winter Winds Don’t Sap Your Skin’s Moisture!

When winter visits us, it brings with itself a lot of cool, fresh air. So, winters are refreshing in a way, but they also make us go through grueling, harsh chills and dry weather. 

We have to keep our body furnace burning extra hard to keep ourselves warm. Dry weather snatches the moisture from our skin, making it look dull and aged. 

Dry skin feels itchy and irritable. You feel a burning sensation when your skin is excessively dry. Dry, flaky and cracked skin stops you from enjoying the lovely breeze and romance that the air of winter possesses. 

How to Deal with Dry Skin?
• Drink lots of water. The frequency of urination increases during winter making you lose a lot of water. Remaining hydrated by drinking lots of water and other fluids like soups, fruit juices, and yogurt is good for your skin too. 
• Cut down on the intake of caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee, and colas as they serve to dehydrate you further. 
• Moisturizing your skin is of utmost important. Dab your skin with lots of creams and lotions throughout the day.  Night cream application is especially important. 
• Almond oil, coconut oil, shea butter, petroleum jelly, and evening primrose oil are some of the natural products that are wonderful for your skin and will do a world of good to restore its moisture. 
• Honey is an amazing moisturizer. Your skin will feel so soft with an attractive glow. 
• Applying creamy yogurt to your skin works amazingly to restore the oils of your skin. Lactic acid in yoghurt removes dead skin cells that accumulate on dry skin. Yoghurt is highly nourishing and has been used as a moisturizer since the days of Cleopatra. 
• Cover your skin from heavy winter winds blowing and snatching its moisture. 
• Many highly effective skincare products in treating sore and dry skin are available in market. Applying them regularly ensures that your skin remains smooth and healthy.
• Mashed papayas are a great skin remedy and will make your skin lovably soft. 
• Olive oil is considered a wonderful skin nourisher as it contains vitamin E and fatty acids essential for the skin. 
• Rub aloe vera pulp on the skin to make it soft and plump. It is being touted as the biggest skin food of the modern times. 
• Go for facial massages that use shea butter or cocoa butter in winters to give your face a soft and healthy look. 

Even if you are strikingly beautiful and have a youthful appearance, winters take away the youth from your skin making you look drab and older. 

Treat your skin well during winters. Having a nourishing diet and appropriate use of skin lotions ensure that you have a lovely-looking and young skin even when it is chilly outside.