How Bad Siblings Destroy Your Spirit…

How Bad Siblings Destroy Your Spirit…

Don’t Let the Scars of Childhood Destroy Your Adulthood!

Bullying Sibling

Do you have an older brother who tries to bully you when nobody’s around? Do you have an older sister who’s jealous like a bi*** and can do any harm to you for that dress your parents bought you? Well, then you are an unfortunate individual.

Children who are bullied, isolated or harrassed as a child grew up to be emotionally repressed individuals who have a reduced ability to fight against the world. On the other hand, people with caring siblings become healthy adults who can defend themselves. Your childhood has a significant impact on your adult capabilities, especially your interpersonal skills.

Older siblings, are many a time, envious of the attention their cute, little sibling receives from parents, relatives and friends. They can harm, abuse and torment them to appear better in front of their parents. Such unhealthy competition is often provoked by avengeful adults who pass on their projections to innocent children.

Younger ones are often the most insulted, abused both physically and emotionally, and gaslighted because they lack the understanding about the perpetrator and are able to tell nobody and do nothing.

Right from instilling false guilt to get what they want to mobbing the little ones, everything seems fair to them. If you are not able to fight them when you are a child, you might face an even greater peer pressure while growing up.

Many grownups, despite being smart, lack the necessary skills to garner friend’s and family’s support and end up being alone. I have faced this myself , too.

The solution here is to recognise the patterns and take subconscious measure to change from within. “Only the baddies receive all the love and support putting innocent little ones in bad light,” is what little ones often grow up thinking.

Developing a coping strategy that suits you and creating other sources of support will go a long way in mending the emotional and physical harm they have done to you.

It is a continuous process that needs to be worked on throughout the life. Work on you body image, job skills, family resources, friend circle and health. When you take care of these parameters, you win the game halfway.

Often, this childhood enmity is carried forward into adulthood, destroying your chances of finding a good job and a life partner.

You cannot go back and change your childhood. But, don’t let your childhood scars ruin your adulthood. No sibling deserves that guilty pleasure!