Adults Need Wholesome Nutrition Daily and not Ad-hoc!!

Adults Need Wholesome Nutrition Daily and not Ad-hoc!!

To Make Each Day Agile and Energetic…

As we move from childhood to adulthood, our growth in terms of bone mass and hormonal development is complete. However, the nutritional needs of adults should not be underestimated as they have a job which is ridden with stress on the body and mind. Adults need an adequate supply of energy and nutrients (macro and micro) to perform their daily activities. Our daily diet falls short of these.

Micronutrients like vitamins, minerals and fibre are not something to turn too at times of emergency or when the body signals its deficiency. These are very much a part of the biochemical reactions which take place on a daily basis in our bodies to release energy and vitality.

Health drinks are our refuge in such a scenario. They supply adults with the necessary supply of vitamins as per RDA specifications. The fibre content of this drink brings out the positive aspects of the colon microflora more effectively. These microflora are the body’s natural defence agents against a host of diseases like ulcerative colitis and cancer.  Such health drinks are low in fat and hence help adults keep their calorie intake under control.

I am not a proponent of high sugar-laden drinks. All I love to sip is buttermilk (yogurt) and slightly sweet lassis that keep your gut microflora in active state, thus promoting good digestive health. I vouch for the fact that good stomach health is the reason behind many ailments running away at the first instance.

Brush Your Teeth with Automated Electric Toothbrushes

Brush Your Teeth with Automated Electric Toothbrushes

The first activity that we do in the morning is brushing our teeth. Apart from those who prefer a bed tea before brushing their teeth, teeth are the first ones we attend to in the morning. In spite of the fact that the first and the last thing we do in a day is brush our teeth, we still face plenty of problems with that.

Tooth problems are the most painful.  Toothache is both physically tormenting and mentally harassing. You can ignore your headache sometimes, but to not pay attention to your aching tooth is impossible.  There is no person who doesn’t dread a visit to a dentist.  And when a toothache is occurring to a child, it can be really devastating and unbearable to him.

Toothache shouldn’t be taken lightly as the nerves are involved in it and it can cause serious consequences like loss of vision or other nerve-related problems like paralysis if not dealt early or treated with care.  Diabetics need to handle toothache with caution as they are more prone to bleeding with the slightest of hurts or tooth breakage.

What is the reason behind our teeth getting cavities or plaques? What causes them to lose their sparkling white color and become yellow or dirty brown or black?  We brush but our method of brushing teeth is improper and unscientific.  Manually brushing the teeth takes time and patience and is an art. You can just haphazardly brush your teeth and then expect them to be in pristine health always.  Here is when the importance of electric toothbrushes comes into picture.

How Bad Siblings Destroy Your Spirit…

How Bad Siblings Destroy Your Spirit…

Don’t Let the Scars of Childhood Destroy Your Adulthood!

Bullying Sibling

Do you have an older brother who tries to bully you when nobody’s around? Do you have an older sister who’s jealous like a bi*** and can do any harm to you for that dress your parents bought you? Well, then you are an unfortunate individual.

Children who are bullied, isolated or harrassed as a child grew up to be emotionally repressed individuals who have a reduced ability to fight against the world. On the other hand, people with caring siblings become healthy adults who can defend themselves. Your childhood has a significant impact on your adult capabilities, especially your interpersonal skills.

Older siblings, are many a time, envious of the attention their cute, little sibling receives from parents, relatives and friends. They can harm, abuse and torment them to appear better in front of their parents. Such unhealthy competition is often provoked by avengeful adults who pass on their projections to innocent children.

Younger ones are often the most insulted, abused both physically and emotionally, and gaslighted because they lack the understanding about the perpetrator and are able to tell nobody and do nothing.

Right from instilling false guilt to get what they want to mobbing the little ones, everything seems fair to them. If you are not able to fight them when you are a child, you might face an even greater peer pressure while growing up.

Many grownups, despite being smart, lack the necessary skills to garner friend’s and family’s support and end up being alone. I have faced this myself , too.

The solution here is to recognise the patterns and take subconscious measure to change from within. “Only the baddies receive all the love and support putting innocent little ones in bad light,” is what little ones often grow up thinking.

Developing a coping strategy that suits you and creating other sources of support will go a long way in mending the emotional and physical harm they have done to you.

It is a continuous process that needs to be worked on throughout the life. Work on you body image, job skills, family resources, friend circle and health. When you take care of these parameters, you win the game halfway.

Often, this childhood enmity is carried forward into adulthood, destroying your chances of finding a good job and a life partner.

You cannot go back and change your childhood. But, don’t let your childhood scars ruin your adulthood. No sibling deserves that guilty pleasure!

What Will You Gift Your Lady This Festive Season?

What Will You Gift Your Lady This Festive Season?

Women have a natural longing for love. Women like to be cared about.  Women like men who shower their attention on them in the form of gifts. And if a man knows what to gift a woman, he is sure to earn her love and affection.  But, it is not so easy to know a woman’s mind and even more difficult to know her choice. 

Women are complex by nature and can drive men nuts with their incessant demands and ever-changing minds. But with few pointers on gift ideas for women, you won’t go wrong. Remember that however complex women may be somewhere they are all the same.

The festive season is nearing, and if you are going crazy by thinking what to gift your lady, help is here.  Be choosy in gifting your lady.  No matter how much you love and care for her, if you gift her something that is not up to her standards, you may even lose her.   Small things and gestures are important for women.

If you are a common man and it is not possible to you to buy expensive jewellery or branded labels, there a hundreds of websites from where you can buy cheap items that are equally good.   

Diamonds are a woman’s best friend. But, if you cannot afford diamonds, you can gift them exotic, modern jewellery suited to wear for different occasions. Sterling earrings, bronze bracelet, amethyst stud necklace, etc. are some of the pieces of jewelry popular with women nowadays.  If your girlfriend is youthful, bubbly, and wild, these are the gifts she will surely love.

To get more such unique gifts for women, browse through online gift shops. You won’t get disappointed for sure.  Why hunt the supermarket to buy a gift for your woman? Believe me, it’s is a tasking activity, especially to find something for women. Online shopping is the current rage.  So convenient and easy! You can spend hours searching. It is better than stressing your feet when shopping physically.

Don’t restrict your mind to jewelry. Winter is nearing, so you can gift your girlfriend a sexy scarf.  It will be an item of immediate use, not one that she will open after some months to wear on an occasion.  The woolen scarf will keep her warm throughout the winter and will constantly remind her of you. What can be a better way to be always on her mind?

Search for online gifts for women and let you lady know you care for her this season.  Even if you are a busy husband, a long-distance boyfriend, or a lover who wants to make an impression, with the right gift, you will definitely pave your way to your lady’s heart.

The Cricket Mania Has Taken Over India – “Sports Medicine” Helps to Smooth out the Pain before the Mania Peters out!

The Cricket Mania Has Taken Over India – “Sports Medicine” Helps to Smooth out the Pain before the Mania Peters out!

Cricket has always been a favorite game in India. A huge percentage of young Indian boys dream of being a part of the Indian cricket team at some point of time in their life. Whether it is the world cup fever or the IPL craze, people are going gaga over these series of sport events. Specially, the IPL events have gotten more and more people interested in cricket than ever. However, the injuries related to cricket have also increased. 

Cricket is often referred to as “The Game of 11 fools playing” and “11000 fools watching”. While critics will always have something to say, Cricket is definitely not a child’s play. Cricket is a game of twists, turns, falls, rises, catches, and runs. It is not a monotonous game with the same set of movements.

The cricketers have to face the pressure of performing well at different events. Hence, there is a great probability of every muscle, tendon or cartilage tearing or spraining. These sportsmen get injured many times and their neck, back, knee, wrist and ankle are some of the delicate parts that are likely to be affected. In such a scenario, the state of health of the cricketer can make it a matter of success or failure. 

Sports medicine has gained popularity recently, and there are certified athletic trainers (ATC) who are highly skilled professionals specializing in health care of those engaging in physical activity (athletes). They are responsible for first-aid, rehab procedures and use of protective/supportive techniques for sportspersons. It is very important to take good care of the health of sportsmen to keep the enthusiasm bubbling in their fans. 

Being a critic who cannot see anything good in anyone is easy. Being a fan who just has to cheer up for their favorite sportsmen playing on the playground is easy. But, being a sportsman who actually uses all the muscles, ligaments and tendons of his body to ensure that the best performance is doled out for his country’s pride is no mean task.

Sportsmen are a pride of our country. Whether you like cricket or not, it is worth knowing that moving your body is as brainy as thing as experimenting in the lab. The only difference is that the tools you need in the lab are flask, burner and test tubes, whereas on the playground, you need real skills in moving and maneuvering not just your hands and legs but your entire body, in order to make your goal in the most efficient way.

A sportsman’s eyes should be as sharp as an eagle to hunt down the competitor, which means making them lose the game. Only a person with sturdy and flexible body is an ideal candidate for being a sportsperson. You need to be an effective game planner and strategist to win the game. You need to have both the “Burning desire to win” and the “Spirit of sportsmanship” when you have lost the game.

So, let’s wait in anticipation of tomorrow’s cricket match to cheer up for our nation and hope it defeats the opponent with great energy and elan! Have you already stored your popcorn and potato chips?

Expressing Milk To Bottle-Feed, Comes to the Rescue of Corporate Women…

Expressing Milk To Bottle-Feed, Comes to the Rescue of Corporate Women…

All the new mothers out there worried about the woes of lactation? Relax. A new method of milk expression will ease your worries.

Motherhood brings on a whole new set of responsibilities to a woman. This increases manifold in the case of corporate women. A woman with a newborn child is loaded with a myriad of tasks, right from bathing the baby, clothing him to breast-feeding.

However, corporate women with a job of 9 to 6 along with the long-distance traveling, find it difficult to balance the needs of child-care with that of her job. For other tasks, she may take the help of her family or even hire a helper. However, breast-feeding is the sole responsibility of the mother and hence cannot be neglected at any cost.

In such a scenario, the technique of expressing milk by the mother, which can be bottle-fed to the baby later, comes handy. Milk can be expressed by the mother using either hand or breast-pumps.

Breast-pumps can be either hand-held or electric ones. Hand-expressing is cheaper than pump-assisted expressing. However, some women prefer breast-pumps as they are comfortable and produce more milk. Care should be taken that the hands or the breast-pumps are clean and hygienic so that the milk that is expressed does not contain bacterial growth.

Women can store the expressed milk in bottles and can hand over the responsibility of bottle-feeding the baby to her family members or a hired helper. She can then assume the corporate duties without guilt. She can then be rest assured that her baby is getting the required nutrition and antibodies to fight against any foreign agents attacking the baby.

Had expressing milk not been the new trend used by corporate woman, she would have to either sacrifice her career for the sake of child-care or deprive the child of the essential nutrients of breast-milk, which are very essential in the first few months of the growing baby.

Research has indicated that this technique has helped thousands of women simultaneously enjoy the happiness of being a new mother and her corporate career.

What more could a woman ask for?

Education Now Starts Even Before birth-The Ayurveda Way!

Education Now Starts Even Before birth-The Ayurveda Way!

Expectant mothers usually report a typical pain in the stomach and feel as if the baby in kicking them. This gives them a proof of the very presence of baby for the first time after conception. Experts are of the view that the foetus acquires soul at 6 weeks. After that time, any harm to the foetus is considered as equivalent to homicide. Likewise, any good or bad effect on the mother has an effect on the developing foetus inside. So, an expecting mother should take special care of her diet, thoughts, activities and surroundings in which she spends her pregnancy period of 9 months.

History is rife with stories of great souls getting most of their greatness and values from the time they were still in the foetal stage. One of them is of the great devotee of Lord Vishnu Prahlaad, who became a devotee in spite being born into a Raakshas (devil) family, mainly because he imbibed the characteristics from her mother’s womb who used to listen to devotional songs when she was carrying him.

Ayurveda goes one step further saying that care should not start after the foetus gets soul or after conception. It should typically start way before that—when the mother and father are both planning to have a baby. And the care should not be confined to mother, but the aspiring father also needs to undergo special care as far as his diet, lifestyle and thought process are concerned. And all this is for the preparation of those good-quality gametes, namely sperms and ovules which are necessary for the conception of an ideal baby encompassing all the good characteristics.

Remember, not all gametes produced by an individual are of the same type. Here is when the Ayurvedic science of ‘Garbhasanskar’ comes into play. This idea is well explained by famous Ayurvedacharya Dr. Balaji Tambe. The concept of ‘Designer babies’ as visualized by the science of genetics says about conception of an ideal baby as desired by the parents. Ayurveda makes this possible by way of ‘Garbhasanskar’.

Garbhasanskar is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Garbha’ meaning womb and ‘Sanskaar’ meaning education. The Ayurvedic science of Garbhasanskar entails an ideal diet, body care, reading material, music and mantras for pregnant women. It is a very promising practice and may go a long way in improving the youth of tomorrow or giving rise to an altogether improved and empowered youth in the coming years. The doctor hopefully says, “If women are provided with expert guidance during pregnancy and the early years of their children, it will have an immense impact on society.”

Garbhasanskar prescribes a special diet for aspiring parents consisting predominantly of the ‘Sattvic’ component of food which makes the food fresh, light and nutritious. The diet tabulated here is to be followed by aspiring parents at least 1-3 months prior to attempting conception.

Some precautions must be taken by the mother-to-be as far as her diet is concerned such as follows:

  • Replace ghee with oil (Either coconut, sesame or mustard oil is fine)
  • Have a small quantity of barley with milk.
  • Less carbohydrate and fat and more proteins should be consumed.

This will help her maintain a slim and lean figure. Fathers-to-be should also introduce certain dietary modifications in his diet to in order to produce sperms which give rise to progenies who are strong, pure and robust. For this, he must consume milk, ghee and rice in greater amounts. Also, he must add more nuts like almonds to his diet. Herbal Ghee is recommended to the pregnant woman in the different months of pregnancy.

The herbal ghee helps in the development of body systems and mental faculties in the foetus. It also prevents congenital abnormalities. It prevents anemia in mother and helps to have a full term normal delivery. It is supposed to bring complete development in the foetus and bring fortunes to the newborn baby. In addition to diet, the pregnant mother should follow a cautious lifestyle as follows:

  • It is not recommended for pregnant women to watch films having horror and violence as they are supposed to have a bad effect on the character of the developing baby.
  • Instead, she should focus on fine literature, beautiful works of art, soft music, pleasant landscapes and think only positive things.
  • She should be in company of people who have a positive influence on her.

Music is supposed to have a profound effect on the mood of an individual. The same goes for foetus developing in the womb. The doctor says, “Music or sound vibration reaches the baby in the womb.” It is believed that the foetus responds to sounds from mother’s womb and the surroundings from the 7th month onwards. Music provides the energy essential for the development of sound body, mind and soul in the baby. The sounds of veena (Indian string instrument), flute and Samveda mantras are believed to have a positive effect on the foetus.

Nowadays, special music cassettes and CDs like ‘Garbha sanskar: Blessings for the new arrival’ and ‘Garbha sangeet’ are flooding the market. In addition, both the mother-to-be and father-to-be must communicate with their baby during the pregnancy period. The baby is highly receptive to both spoken words and unspoken thoughts of both the parents during that 9-month critical period. Prenatal and postnatal yoga programmes are also available for mothers.

This Ayurvedic technique of Garbhasanskar is fast gaining popularity. Hope many more couples opt for this unique programme at the time of planning a child and see the difference in their child’s development. It is indeed a powerful method in the hands of the parents to wield control of their own babies’ future right from the start.

Cook your meat the right way…

Cook your meat the right way…

Unsafe meat cooking practices increases the risk of colorectal cancer

Meat is relished worldwide and it is the favourite food item for non-vegetarians. Though India is the only country where vegetarianism is a way of life for some, the numbers of non-vegetarian eaters surpass that of vegetarians. Meats are of two types: red meat and white meat. Red meat is the darker coloured meat such as beef, mutton and duck meat, whereas white meat is lighter in colour such as chicken and fish.

Western society consumes foods rich in meat, especially red meat. In an attempt to mimic the west, Indians have increasingly taken to red meat consumption, especially mutton and beef. Red meat consumption is high in the northern states. But the health implications related to red meat are high. Research says that red meat is implicated as the cause of colorectal cancer. Hence; red meat must be consumed moderately.

Colorectal cancer is the cancer that occurs in the colon (large intestine) or rectum passageway connecting the colon to the anus. It is the third most common cancer in men (663 000 cases, 10.0% of the total) and the second in women (571 000 cases, 9.4% of the total) worldwide.   It was estimated to account for 9, 45,000 cases and 4,92,000 deaths in 2000. In the year 2008 in India, there were 36 new cases of colon cancer and 25 new cases of death due to colon cancer.

The rising incidence of colon cancer in India can be attributed to the rise in the consumption of red meat. There are several reasons behind red meat causing colorectal cancer. Firstly, the method of cooking meat is the culprit. Meats are cooked either by barbecuing, grilling, deep-frying and pan-frying. Cooking meat using these methods employs high temperatures cooking for a long time. This results in production of compounds which are carcinogenic in nature. Some of these compounds are heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Moreover, red meat contains high iron levels than white meat. Thus, ingestion of red meat results in high iron levels in the colon, which are supposed to increase the risk of free radicals leading to the formation of cancerous cells.

Studies showed that preserved meat is associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer as opposed to fresh meat. Preservatives, specially nitrates are the cause as the body converts them to nitrosamines, which are cancer-causing agents.

Studies also suggest a link between high levels of animal fat consumption and risk of colorectal cancer. This could be due to release of free fatty acids or bile acids inside the large intestine. These are toxic to the cells.

As per studies carried out in United States and Europe in 2005, the people who ate the maximum amount of red meat (about 5 ounces a day) were a third more likely to develop colon cancer than those who ate the least red meat. (less than an ounce a day on average).

Results from a study from England states that large amounts of red meat consumption is capable of producing genetic damage to colon cells in just a few weeks.

Stones Move Beyond Being Just Street Trash!

Stones Move Beyond Being Just Street Trash!

Stone therapy adds a new dimension to the science of alternative healing

Stones have now grabbed its place in the health domain. Stone therapy is an ancient science believed to originate in America but practised in many different countries like China, Japan and Rome.

Stones are used in massage therapy. It is a means to target the chakra points—the points where the energy is concentrated within the body as per the Indian science of Yoga. Both hot and cold massage sessions are administered to a patient suffering from body discomfort. Volcanic basalt stones are used in hot massage whereas marbles are used in cold massage. These stones are placed on the chakras and just the right amount of pressure relieves the tension and pain within the body. This serves to balance the fluid irregularities within the body.

Hot stones made of basalt, retain heat as they contain iron. Marbles do not heat up rapidly; hence can be effectively used for cold massage. Rocks lying beneath the river are subjected to the constant erosion by river water, thus making them smooth. Hence, these too can be used for stone therapy.

So, don’t look down on the stones and pebbles that lie under your feet while walking through the streets, henceforth.

With Ecommerce Reigning in the Retailer Market, AI-driven Pricing Solutions is the Need of the Hour in 2022

With Ecommerce Reigning in the Retailer Market, AI-driven Pricing Solutions is the Need of the Hour in 2022

With the dawn of the year 2022, when the world has experienced a two-year period of global pandemic, isolation and lockdown, the need for technology upgrade seemed inevitable. ‘Human Intelligence’ and ‘Skills’ are soon going to be partially replaced by ‘Artificial Intelligence’.

The Ecommerce Boom

Online shopping has almost taken over actual physical shopping in the last two years. Ecommerce businesses have grown tremendously in this period. According to sources, the global ecommerce market and other non-store retailers were estimated to reach US$ 2.3 Trillion in the year 2020. Projected to grow at the rate of CAGR 13.5%, it will reach around US$5.1 trillion by 2026. These figures show that staying in the ecommerce business requires a greater level of automation, and not just human knowledge and business acumen.

Amazon’s Success – Exemplary

While Amazon ruled the US and European ecommerce market in this period, it owes its success to its ever increasing huge global customer base and dynamic pricing model. With millions of products put up for sale online every day in thousands of categories and area-wise distribution, performing online retail business is no easy game. To be a smart player in the ecommerce business means beating competitors’ websites with regards to their sales, marketing, and pricing strategies.

Need of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Pricing Strategy

With a huge number of players contending for buyer’s attention in the market, it becomes mandatory to use AI-based pricing strategy to monitor, track and adjust competitor’s prices. Owing to the complexity of available data, product pricing has become a difficult task. Using AI-driven software helps analyze large sets of product and pricing data accurately and come up with valuable insights that drive critical business decisions. In a bid to optimize prices of niche products, companies need to automate pricing decisions using such customized Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence software. This helps enable price optimization using strategies such as value-based pricing and price tiering. Such smart automation techniques enable profit maximization and thus bring value to the retailers.

Keeping in mind the constantly changing personal needs of customers, spending patterns and buying behaviour, AI helps B2Bs review data such as past transactions, customer information, reviews, feedback and memberships/subscriptions. This helps companies to perform customer segmentation, identification of customer value drivers to enable dynamic product pricing.

Predictive AI helps companies carry out effective, real-time price optimization by tracking local market conditions and performing competitive intelligence. Customer segmentation will not only enable retention of niche buyers but also helps companies in product upselling and revenue maximization. However, ethical use of customer data and prevention of legal hacks are the challenges that online retailers face while using AI-driven software.

Choosing the Right Pricing Solution

Choosing a pricing solution that is a step ahead of other competitors in the market is key. Some solutions provider offer an AI-driven, patented pricing optimization software that helps their clients compare and analyze products and prices globally from thousands of websites with the highest level accuracy of 99%. Such a software is based on smart, crawling technology that offers high, real-time data refresh rates and plug-and-play APIs with zero integration to reap high return-on-investments (ROI).

Their tailor-made pricing solution seamlessly integrates with your internal systems and helps you quickly implement the price optimization strategy to proliferate your business. You get the liberty to choose the number of SKUs, retailers, marketplaces and ecommerce websites, set predefined rules, and monitor competitor prices at the zip code or global level at a rate of every 10 seconds every day. Above all, it presents you with a high-level visibility through a unified dashboard to simplify your price optimization decisions.

Quoting Amazon’s exemplary success in the ecommerce business in the past two years, it becomes inevitable to keep leveraging on your existing success through competitive repricing instead of staying content with past successes. Moreover, adapting existing pricing strategy to not just stay in the game for the sake of gaining a competitive advantage but also to maximize profits makes sense in the long run. And choose a pricing solutions provider that effectively help you achieve that!