8 Most Effective EBook Promotion Tips

8 Most Effective EBook Promotion Tips

Creating and publishing an EBook may be a new experience for you. But, the game doesn’t end there. There are many things you need to consider like promoting your EBook in the most effective way. For this, you need to upload your EBook on a variety of online stores.

Popular Online Retailers
Amazon and Kindle are the latest popular hotspots for promoting and selling EBooks. Promoting a book through online means is much easier in today’s times than going through the grueling process of using traditional means of book promotion. However, you need to be well-versed with some tools and means required to promote your EBook well through the online mode.
Social Media Marketing
Social media is the topmost mode of promoting an EBook successfully. In fact, marketing an EBook through social media is a viral means of marketing. The word about your EBook spreads faster through social media tools than through any other means. So, don’t forget to employ this means for EBook marketing. Don’t waste your time by using ineffective and sluggish ways; know what works and what doesn’t.
Blogging, Boasting, and Deliberating
Blogging is a great way to promote your EBook. Blog through web, promote through Facebook, tweet, post comments on Google plus, and all and sundry that is popular nowadays. EBook promotion is a great way to enhance the visibility of your new creation or to popularize yourself as an author. Welcome comments from friends, other bloggers, other authors, book critics, and book industry experts.
Carving Pretty Art and Craft
Designing the cover pages of an EBook is the first step in grabbing the attention of readers. If it is dull or if it fails to grab reader’s interest, then you have very little luck further. Hire an expert publishing company, or if you are good at web designing or basic Photoshop, you can do it yourself too. If you wish to take up self-publishing, all the decisions will be yours to make.
The publishers only have to implement your plan. So, you have the maximum level of creative freedom when you take up self-publishing. However, you still have to work hard in promoting your EBook.
Smart SEO Strategy
Work out an effective SEO strategy for your EBook’s promotion. Make sure you select tags and reviews that are search-friendly. The title should be extremely impactful and should be able to generate curiosity and deep interest. There’s nothing wrong in getting a bit personal when it comes to marketing your EBook. When you unravel personal details about your lifestyle, readers are better able to connect with you.

Share your previous success stories or stories about struggles and milestones faced in writing your current book. If readers are able to connect with you emotionally, probably they will be able to connect with the characters in your book too. So, tap the pulse of the readers and use it in the most effective way.
Incorporation of Rich Media
Sharing images and videos of different aspects of your writing journey is a great way to get people interested. When you create some sort of analogy between your book and some other story or real life incident or natural event, people are more tempted to read it. Try to merge the real with the virtual and see the magic happen in your writings.

Be of use to readers. Many book readers are highly practical. They won’t read something that isn’t of much practical value to them. If they feel their life is stuck at some point or due to certain problems in their life, and if your book provides solutions to those problems, your book is highly likely to be the next bestseller.
Maintain Your USP
Be unique; don’t be a copycat version of other bloggers or authors. Give readers something that others aren’t giving. When you deliver something that is not easily available, your value naturally increases.
Tweet more
Tweeting may be considered a short way of conveying your message, but it is highly impactful if you master the art of doing so. Moreover, it is one of the top-ranking social media tools available today.
Avoid Bombarding
Blogging, putting reviews, and promoting your eBook in the most effective way is important to keeping the memories and craze of your eBook alive. If you don’t continue this, people will easily forget you. However, don’t bombard the web and thus the readers with a mention of your EBook everywhere. If you go everywhere, you lose your elite value. Maintain your status and avoid looking cheap.
Promote Your Book Well for Wide-ranging Success

Promote Your Book Well for Wide-ranging Success

Have you written a romantic novel lately? Is your mind already churning out fancy dreams of being awarded for the fantastic work that you have done? Well, nurturing dreams is a good thing, but not making an inch of effort to make them come true is a grave mistake.

If you thought you can give a copy to the publisher who will do all the work for you such as advertising and promoting your book in several ways possible, shake yourself out of your dreams as this is not the real picture!

If you wish to have success of an overwhelming type like that of a national or global level, you got to be aggressive in your marketing. Devise a marketing strategy that actually works in the real world.

To be an author of a popular league, you need to don not just your thinking cap but your sports shoes too! You got to be on your toes always. The more people know you, the better it is for the success of your book. No obscure writer has ever become a popular and successful book author.

Book Promotion Tips –
1. Don’t be restrained to just one or two modes of marketing. Market your books through the print, electronic, and digital media. Employ both formal and informal ways of book promotion.

2. Send your manuscripts to as many publishers as possible. Send them through book agents. Unsolicited manuscripts are a pet peeve of publishers. Try for big as well as small publishers.

If big names reject your manuscript, small ones may accept it. Don’t get disappointed if a large number of publishers have refused to publish it. Review it once again, find out the flaws, and correct them. A corrected version of your manuscript’s copy might be acceptable to another publisher.

3. Use the online mode of book promotion in the best possible way. Convert your book into an EBook and then ask your friends to write reviews about it on Amazon, blogs, Facebook, and other portals.

Make your title in such a way that it goes viral on the web. If you can accomplish this and have maximum people talking about it, your book is sure to pick the initial wave of success.

4. Viral marketing ensures that your books are sold with an overwhelming buzz, which may or may not last longer. For sustained success, you need good content.

Content should be engaging to the extent that readers wish to inquire more about your other books too. If you are a writer who writes on the genre of romance, your novels should have the ability to make committed people fall in love again, make cold-hearted people melt, and make youngsters get lost in your book.

5. Be generous with book distribution. Give away copies randomly to people who seem interested in your work. Use your word-of-mouth skills to their maximum capacity. Youngsters are the best target for romantic novels. These guys can spread the word at the speed of a rocket.

6. Do not underestimate the power of social media in today’s times. If you are absent from social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or Pinterest, you are as good as non-existent. Create your own page on Facebook, tweet regularly about your book, have an active Google Plus account under the name of the book, and be open to reviews, comments, and even criticism.

7. Never be an isolated, cold, and unapproachable author. Communicate with readers through social media or through blogs by replying to their comments. The more you involve people, the more they get interested in your book and help you to promote it.