How to Have Moist, Dewy Lips during Winter?

How to Have Moist, Dewy Lips during Winter?

Winter is already here, and you haven’t done anything to protect your lips from the harshness that this season brings with itself.  The strong wintry breeze blows into your face, stripping away its moisture.  

Dry skin is a common symptom in winter, and you can’t help but be irritated with the pain and roughness that your skin experiences during winter. Not just the skin, but your lips crack too causing you a lot of pain and burning sensation. 

Lips are more sensitive than the rest of the skin. They lack the outer protective layer and sweat glands that keep the skin moist.  Hence, lips need to be moisturized in winter using external agents. 

Eating and drinking becomes difficult due to sore lips.  Even when you open your mouth to talk, it hurts.  You can’t bring both your upper and lower lips in unison. It is difficult to smile with such lips.  Your sweet smile becomes a downward curve, making you look like a sad person.

Don’t wait for your lips to get chapped completely to make them look like they have experienced a continental shift. When you experience the first signs of lip chapping, or when the winter has dawned and you are feeling the chill, start stocking yourself with winter essentials.  

If you are fond of applying makeup and do it almost regularly, you need to take better care of your lips. Here are some simple tips to care for your lips:

• Drink lots of water: Dehydration causes lip chapping.  Soups are a great way to keep yourself hydrated during
 winters. They also provide you the much-needed heat. 
• Use petroleum jelly to apply to your lips:  Keep on applying it at regular intervals.  Lips easily and quickly lose moisture in winters. And if you are working in an air-conditioned workplace, the chances are even greater.  Only trust genuine brands like Vaseline petroleum jelly. 
Use flavored lip balms: Lip balms are a great way to keep your lips moisturized along with the taste that you love.  Strawberry, mint, apple, orange, and pomegranates are some of the commonly available flavors of lip balms. You can even make your own lip balm at home by mixing petroleum jelly and flavorings such as vanilla extract or lemon juice.  Flaunt your lips in style this winter with amazing lip balm colors. 
Minimize exposure to strong breeze: Do not expose your lips to too much breeze while traveling. Cover your face (or at least your mouth), so that your lips do not dry up and get cracked. 
• Use lip moisturizers: Using lip moisturizers is an ideal way to treat cold sores and cracked lips. Opt for medicated ones as they provide immediate soothing relief from painful lips. A medicated moisturizer balances the pH of your lips, reduces the burning sensation, restores moisture levels and makes your lips look soft and plump.  It provides a tingling sensation that is extremely soothing. 
Apply almond oil: It is a great moisturizer and is great for your lips. Apply a drop or two of sweet almond oil, and your lips will feel like a rose so soft and touchable. 
Try home remedies: Some people are too lazy to buy lip care products. They prefer to try easy and cheap home remedies.  Such folks can try applying butter to their chapped lips.  Butter contains the fatty acids that are essential to keep skin and lips in their optimum, smooth state. 
Apply Beeswax: You can also try beeswax application. It works well in restoring your lips’ moisture levels to make them look kissably soft. 

Don’t let winter seize the smile from your lips.  Winters are meant to enjoy and to indulge in lots of food and drinks. But, if you have chapped and sore lips, half of your joy is gone. Have lovely dewy lips this winter and kiss the winter blues goodbye!