Does Your Nail Paint Suit Your Outfit?

Does Your Nail Paint Suit Your Outfit?

Women like to adorn each and every asset of their body. Then why should those finger ends be left behind? Yes, I mean nails. 

Women fancy growing their nails and making them looking like some sharp, sexy claws typical of a cat woman. Nails are like a weapon for ladies.  And as it is a weapon, women being  creatures of “beauty”, they would not mind decorating them too. 

Nail art is fast catching up as a beauty trend in women. With different kinds of art work being etched on the nails, women have become so adept at applying art to their assets. 

Most women like to apply nail paints. And it is not just for aesthetic purposes. Nail paint application lends hardness to nails, thus preventing them from breakage. A manicure session followed by nail painting is what ladies prefer to follow nowadays. 

Nail paints truly enhance the beauty of your hands. Many women apply transparent, glossy nail paints to their nails just to harden and protect them. The fancier and more adventurous types of women choose to paint their nails in the shades that match their dresses.

It is not uncommon to find women who possess nail paints of all possible shades. If you are a shy woman, you can choose lighter shades of baby pink, purple, blue, and brown. However, if you are a bold woman who loves to flaunt her nails, loud red flashy color tones go best with your nails. Other offbeat colors are black, bright blue, and shimmery green. You may choose to apply the shade that pleases you. 

Applying nail paint is not that easy. You have to be extra meticulous in your application, else you risk spreading the paint outside of the periphery of your nails and make yourself look like a small child who is bad at art classes. 

Neatness in nail paint application, however easy it may look, is really difficult. You have to let your nails dry out completely before you try on another coats to render your nails a thicker, harder look. 

Shimmering nail paints render a gorgeous look to your evening outfit. You can match your nail paint with your purse or sandals. 

If you are searching for some fresh, young colors this summer, do not hesitate to experiment with different brands and hues, until the perfect one catches your eye. Don’t shy away from using unconventional colors such as bright yellow, tangerine, silver or golden. You experience a burst of confidence when people notice your gorgeous nails. 

You can apply one simple stroke of color on your nails, or you may even play around with the nail paint to create a wonderful effect. You may try a combination of nail paints and create lovely prints and tiny images. Nail paints that are long-lasting and dry quickly are the best picks.

The most common complaint with nail paints is that they get eroded quickly when you wash your hands daily. Frequent touch-ups of nail paints are a bane of most women. 

Many women give up applying nail paint due to this irritating reason. A nail paint that lasts longer will be soon grabbed by ladies as most working women do not have the time to indulge in long sessions of nail paint application. 

A nail paint that takes a longer time to dry out makes women go crazy as they feel helpless and cannot do any other chore. A nail paint that dries quickly solves this problem and will allow application of other coats in a rapid manner. 

You don’t have to waste a long time sitting in the salon to get it done. You can do it yourself quickly on the go. So, see to it that your nail paint matches your sexy blouse or a mini skirt. Show off your nails in style!