Don’t Let Your Pet Parrot Let out Your Secrets!

Don’t Let Your Pet Parrot Let out Your Secrets!

You must have often heard someone say that parrots are a lovely companion. They talk to you, and so you never get bored. All they need is chillies and nuts, and you can easily cage them in till it pleases you.

While these may be some of the facts, but they certainly don’t represent the complete picture of pet parrots. You may love their forest green, blue, pretty yellow, or lovely red skin colors, or their long tail and curved beak, but there are many other facts that you must consider before making them your companion.
Parrot Behavior and Nutrition
Parrots are highly vocal. A talking parrot is not an impossible thing to see. Parrots can be noisily loud and may scream to get your attention. Parrots are fast learners. If you teach them how to behave during different circumstances, they are quick to pick up.
As opposed to popular belief, parrots can eat a wide variety of food than just nuts, seeds, and chillies. You may feed them with fresh fruits like apples, bananas, figs, cherries, pomegranates, grapes, and mangoes; nuts like almond, pecans, peanuts, and hazelnuts; and vegetables like carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, cucumber, and peas. These creatures have strong and sharp beaks to bite comfortably into whatever you give them.
Make sure you feed your parrot twice a day and not a huge bowl at a time. Include a variety of 2-3 foods at a time, and not just one type in large amounts. Parrots have varied nutritional requirements just like humans. You may even include packaged foods in its diet.
Never expect your pet parrot to not make a mess while eating. They are conditioned to behave that way in the wild, and they will do the same even when domesticated. If you teach them how to intelligently keep all the trash in one bowl, probably they may learn to do so. But, never expect them to be as civilized as a human being.
Learn their body language diligently. See to it that its beak doesn’t hurt you or a small child in your home while playing with the bird. They may hurt you while you interact with them, but this is only their behavioral trait and not a deliberate means to attack you. Remember, parrots are wild animals whom you are trying to tame.
Managing Parrots
Since you have decided to keep these as pets, you certainly won’t want to keep them open. They are not designed to work under your command unless you put them in cage or train them. They may fly if they find you hostile or strange. Buy a spacious cage for your parrot, so that it can live comfortably within.
A small, stuffed cage will stifle your parrot and depress him. Even when you tame a creature, you must make sure you don’t make them live like humans. Domesticate a pet, but don’t imprison them. Parrot cages are ideal for your beloved pet.
Many cage brands are known for their superior quality and low prices. These cages come in large sizes, and are equipped with perches, feeding cups, and feeding bowls. These cages are made from wrought iron and hence are robust. Your parrot can play, dance, and jump lively within them, as these cages are strong enough to not give way. They’ve trays that can be easily pulled out and cleaned.
The cage is coated with a non-toxic paint so that your parrot is safe, even if it tries to ingest the paint. It comes in lovely shapes for your parrot, so that it doesn’t just live but happily plays inside. These cages are like a fun house for parrots. There are cages for all types of parrots such as African Greys, amazon, cockatiel, and cockatoo’s, specially designed as per their sizes and behavioral patterns.
Train your parrot on how to move around in a cage, using appropriate sound techniques, words, and by rewarding. Make sure you do not ill-train your pet. It will behave the way you teach. They cannot analyze if you’ve taught wrong.

You can certainly try teaching your parrot to talk, as they are blessed with vocal chords that are similar to those of humans. But, make sure not to tell them your secrets. They may spill the beans on them. Wink-