5 Fantastic Ways to Fall Fast Asleep

5 Fantastic Ways to Fall Fast Asleep

In this age of technological distractions and ever mounting stress, rarely anybody hits the bed before 10 pm. Sleep has become a luxury even for very wealthy people. Early morning work schedules make it impossible for you to get the minimum amount of shuteye (7-8 hours) necessary for sound brain functioning.
While you cannot compromise on your personal and professional responsibilities, you can certainly make minor changes in your lifestyle to go to bed early. But, do not assume that your brain drifts off to sleep as soon as you lie down.

Being fast asleep means you are not in the thinking mode and have entered a pleasant state of relaxed sleep. Follow these simple measures to fall asleep fast and not wake up till your alarm clock bangs into your ears.

1. Make it a habit:

Your circadian rhythm is nothing but a result of your habitual sleep schedule. Once you change your habit of late sleeping, you will find that sleep comes naturally after a few days. Moreover, try to sleep at the same time every night.

2. Get tired:

If you’ve a hyperactive mind with a constant influx of thoughts, then making your body tired is a quick way to tire your brain too, which will then inevitably fall asleep. You can get tired by exercising, carrying out household chores, running errands, or simply by tiring your eyes doing office work. When you get tired after a really busy day, your mind feels too exhausted to take anymore, and all you want at that time is sleep.

3. Allot worries a separate time slot:

Every individual nowadays has something to worry about, whether it’s pending household chores, noisy neighbors, huge chunk of office files or the well-being of your loved ones. While you cannot always eliminate worries or ignore them completely, you can always allot few minutes or an hour daily at a fixed time of the day termed as “problem-solving time”. This will prevent worries from popping into your mind at sleep time.

4. Make your mind still:

Breathing exercises are a gentle and quick way to flush out the excess carbon dioxide from your body and increases oxygen levels in the brain. This calms the mind and aids you in falling asleep. Listening to soothing music has the same effect of making your mind still.

5. Make an effort but don’t force:

You can take all the necessary measures to fall asleep fast, but never force yourself to sleep fast or think too much about it. The more your force, the less will your mind obey you. Remember that “Sleep is a natural process and not a forced event”.