Tips on Smart House Management

Tips on Smart House Management

Are you a working lady who is bugged of her office workload? On top of that, you have to finish the mountain of chores that lie waiting to be finished on the weekends. Oh what a misery with poor lady! 

You wish you could spend more time with your husband and go out on a date once again after a long time since marriage. And you want to help your children with homework or take them for swimming classes. But, there are dishes to be washed, carpets to be vacuum-cleaned, clothes to be ironed, and toilet to be cleaned. So, all your fancy plans have gone down the drain. You wish there was some kind fairy who could take all the workload off your shoulders!

You would be lucky if a fairy showers kindness on you and finishes off all the chores with one stroke of her wand in the air. But, be real; your life isn’t some fantasy tale or movie. If you are really sick of doing household work on weekends and think your life is no longer fun and glamour, then learn to manage your house smartly.

Learn to finish off all the activities on weekdays or keep your house in such a way that there is the least mess or dirt produced. You can then enjoy your weekends as you please. Many women hire housekeeping services in order to save themselves from getting dirty with housework.
1. Outsource: Don’t try to be a superwoman. Hand over a part of household activities to your family members. When everybody starts helping, the work gets finished in less than 1/4th of the time than that a lone person could have taken. Note that you are a Mom, but it is not only your house. So, everyone has to extend a helping hand. 
2. Do not postpone: Whenever you find a stray piece of crockery or items scattered across your house, pick them up immediately. Don’t wait till the weekend to sort these items. When you make a habit of decluttering your house daily, you won’t find much work pending at the weekends. 
3. Get rid of excesses: If you have too much in your house and most of it is useless, make a list of what is to be discarded in the garbage bin, sold off in the sale, or donated. Stack each of the items separately in boxes and take actions on them accordingly. 
4. Housekeeping services: In spite of making the best efforts, sometimes we lag behind and a huge chunk of stuff lies in front of us to be cleaned and sorted. You may hire housecleaning services to help you declutter your home. 

When you are recovering from an illness, you don’t have the stamina to do the household chores. It is viable to hire external help in such cases. 

When there is a major event in your house like wedding, huge party, or anniversary celebration, it is good to hire housekeeping services for a professional touch instead of doing everything by yourself. 
Top 5 tips for Choosing the Best Security for Your Home

Top 5 tips for Choosing the Best Security for Your Home

Were you awestruck last winter after coming back to your house after a month long vacation?  Were there ants queuing up inside your house? Or you found your house in a state of flood due to a leaking pipe in the kitchen? Cleaning and repairing the mess caused you to waste a few days more making you take leave from office. 

“Oh what a life,” you murmur! Here you come home so happy and fresh after a really lovely vacation in the woods, and you have to don the role of a house cleaner and repair person. And to hear your boss’s angry remarks for not showing up at office at the decided day is another slap on your face. When you face all this, all the joy that you experienced in a period of one month is forgotten in a moment as if you never went there. 

If you want to avoid such an eventuality and want your house in a clean, comfortable, and warm state –much like the way you left it, take certain security precautions before you are out. You may take the aid of Housekeeping services for better security while you are away.  

Top Home Security Measures:

1. Mend Leaking Pipes and Taps: Check all the taps, pipes, and tanks before going on a vacation.  If they are leaking, broken, or dysfunctional, call a plumber to repair them so that you can be rest assured that they don’t leak or burst causing water flooding in your house. This could reach uncontrollable limits in a period of one month if left unrepaired. So, once you get them repaired, you can be confident that you will meet your house in a dry state once you are back. 

2. Be Proactive with Pest Control: Don’t think that you need not worry about pests when you are away from home. Pests have a striking ability to multiply fast, so if you had one cockroach while you left, you may be greeted with a village of cockroaches once you are back. I am sure you will not want such an unwelcome intruder into your house. So, call for pest control services to spray insecticides and pesticides inside your house. The effect of these remains for a long time. So, once you are back, you won’t really find any undesirable critters like bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, or flies bugging you. 
3. Seal from Environmental Detriments: If you live in a place where there is a risk of environmental detriments like heavy rains, snowfall, or winds wrecking your house by damaging roof tops or breaking window panes, take precautionary measures to protect your home. You may shield your windows from outside with a thick cardboard so that snow, rains, or winds do not come into contact with them and break them. Check your roof for presence of holes which could spell disaster if rains and snow make their way inside the house through these holes. Nobody wants a wet and smelly house after they return from vacation. 
4. Leave no Scope for Human Attacks: Make sure you lock your house securely before leaving preferably with an extra lock. And make sure you never give the key to an unreliable person who could make a replica out of it and carry out theft in your absence. If you have any valuables in your house like a big sum of cash, jewellery box, or other things, lock them up securely or store them in a bank. In case of any event of robbery, your valuables will be saved, and your overall loss will be insignificant. 
5. Hire Property Management Services: If you are not capable of securing your house on your own, hire the help of house watching services to carry out the task for you. This way, you can enjoy your vacation without worries as your house will be in the hands of a reliable and capable party.