How to Transform Your Wiry Thin Hair into a Thick, Strong Bunch?

How to Transform Your Wiry Thin Hair into a Thick, Strong Bunch?

A woman with long and thick hair symbolizes good health and beauty. Every woman likes to flaunt her lovely, long and bulky locks. Such hair is also more amiable to different hairstyles.

But very few women are blessed with such hair, and those who are gifted often lose them due to bad diet, harsh environmental factors, excessive usage of cosmetics and other hair products and styling methods.

It is disappointing to note that many women just accept loss of hair as their fate or resort to fake therapies propounded by spurious people. Remember that your hairs are your asset. Do everything you can to care for them, but never mess with them with unnecessary experimentation.
Tips to Restore Lost Hair:
1. Keep Your Hair Clean: Dirty hair is the breeding ground for dandruff, dirt, and lice. All these serve to break your hair and cause hair loss. Messy hair also tends to break while combing. To avoid hair loss, use shampoos and conditioners regularly, but not more than 3 times in a week. Excess use of these can cause drying of hair and eventually hair loss.
2. Peel off Split Ends: If you have split ends in your hair, your hair is bound to lose its volume and become scarce. Trim your hair regularly to remove split ends so that its growth is enabled.
3. Nourish Your Hairs: Oiling is considered a conventional and old-fashioned hair care routine. But, it is certainly the one to boost hair growth. Keep your hair oiled overnight or for a day or two and then wash it off. It works wonders on your hair and improves its texture considerably. Hair with good texture is bound to break less.
4. Vitamins for Hair: Make sure you consume foods rich in vitamin B complex, especially biotin. That can prevent hair splitting, hair thinning, and even alopecia areata in children as well as in adults.
5. Coconut Oil Massage: Coconut oil is excellent for preventing dandruff. Massage it onto your hair before washing and see the result in a few days. Dandruff is notorious for making you lose patches of hair.
6. Regular Combing: Comb your hair at least thrice a day. Tangles develop in your hair if you do not attend to it for a long time. These cause severe mechanical loss of hair. Moreover, combing enhances blood circulation to your hairs’ roots. This increases transport of nutrients, thus boosting hair growth.
7. Hair Care Products: Go for a hair thickening shampoo or a conditioner that is rich in nutrients and nourishing oils such as rosemary oil and juniper oil.
8. Keep Distance from Stress: Wish a goodbye to stress. Let stress hover on you, but not penetrate within you. This will stop hair loss, and you will grow back your hair quickly.
Why is that Bunch of Hair Waning on Your Crown?

Why is that Bunch of Hair Waning on Your Crown?

Our thick bunch of hair that we proudly carry on our head is a symbol of youth and inner strength. Many people often rebuke hair health saying that hairs are mere strands of dead cells, and no matter what oil you use, how much you shampoo or condition them, or visit a hair spa, dead cells never grow, and so your hair is never bound to grow or improve in quality. 

Whenever you hear anyone say such negative and despondent remarks about hair care while you are whining under hair loss, make a point to stay away from their disheartening talks. You may call these baseless beliefs, incomplete science, or wrong interpretation, but these things are certainly not the truth.  

Women get even more panicked when someone comments on their thinning hair or unattractive locks. Even men worry on getting bald earlier. The male pattern of baldness or ‘Androgenetic Alopecia’ can be witnessed in most men in their late 20s or early 30s. 

A receding hairline is the no. 1 cause of beauty-related concern in men. It has been found that 50% of men experience hair loss and hair thinning before age 50. Moreover, one in every three women face some or the other form of hair problem at some stage in their lives. 

Though hairs are strings of dead keratin cells, they aren’t hopeless bunch of lifeless ropes that cannot be enlivened in appearance or made to look good. There are a number of simple hair care tips to complex hair treatments that you can avail to keep your locks thick, shiny, and strong. 

Hair Care Tips:
1. Hot Oil Massage: We all love thick hair. They look healthy and reflect our body’s inner vitality. Make sure you massage your hair and scalp with almond oil or coconut oil. This will enhance blood circulation, increase the growth of these keratin (keratin is a protein) strands, making them look voluminous. Warm oil is the best remedy for hair growth. However, allow the oil to penetrate your scalp and be there for a day or two for maximum nourishment and shine. 
2. Hair Growth Treatment: If you are a male and suffering from receding hairline, then it will be worthwhile for you to try Propecia. However, it is of use to you only if you are partially bald. A completely bald person will never benefit from this treatment. 
3. Style Your Hair Smartly: In order to have thick hair, never use rollers or straighteners. These only make your hair thinner. Instead, go for a layering effect. You will have a much more voluminous bunch of hair. 
4. Avoid Overuse of Shampoos: Never wash your hair more than twice a week. Too much washing leads to stripping of oils and breakage of hair. Always use a nice hair conditioner after thorough shampooing to avoid breakage. 
5. Use Hair Dryers Rarely: Too much use of hair dryers makes your locks dry, frizzy, and brittle. Natural drying of hair is any time better. 
6. Keep Hair Covered: If you travel frequently and have to face wind blowing into your hair, equip yourself with caps, hats, and scarves. Use these to cover your hair from drying out due to strong winds snatching their moisture. 
7. Take Your Vitamins and Minerals: Make sure your diet adequately contains proteins, vitamins B-complex, and zinc. 

Even if your hairs are showing no signs of reappearance or are left too scanty, never lose hope. Many high-profile celebrities have faced the same problems, yet found hope in finasteride-containing products.

Treat your hair as tenderly as possible. Think positive, avoid stress, eat healthy, and your hairs are bound to reflect your inner state of health and happiness. Use caps and hats for enhancing the beauty of your hair, not to cover your bald head.