Expressing Milk To Bottle-Feed, Comes to the Rescue of Corporate Women…

Expressing Milk To Bottle-Feed, Comes to the Rescue of Corporate Women…

All the new mothers out there worried about the woes of lactation? Relax. A new method of milk expression will ease your worries.

Motherhood brings on a whole new set of responsibilities to a woman. This increases manifold in the case of corporate women. A woman with a newborn child is loaded with a myriad of tasks, right from bathing the baby, clothing him to breast-feeding.

However, corporate women with a job of 9 to 6 along with the long-distance traveling, find it difficult to balance the needs of child-care with that of her job. For other tasks, she may take the help of her family or even hire a helper. However, breast-feeding is the sole responsibility of the mother and hence cannot be neglected at any cost.

In such a scenario, the technique of expressing milk by the mother, which can be bottle-fed to the baby later, comes handy. Milk can be expressed by the mother using either hand or breast-pumps.

Breast-pumps can be either hand-held or electric ones. Hand-expressing is cheaper than pump-assisted expressing. However, some women prefer breast-pumps as they are comfortable and produce more milk. Care should be taken that the hands or the breast-pumps are clean and hygienic so that the milk that is expressed does not contain bacterial growth.

Women can store the expressed milk in bottles and can hand over the responsibility of bottle-feeding the baby to her family members or a hired helper. She can then assume the corporate duties without guilt. She can then be rest assured that her baby is getting the required nutrition and antibodies to fight against any foreign agents attacking the baby.

Had expressing milk not been the new trend used by corporate woman, she would have to either sacrifice her career for the sake of child-care or deprive the child of the essential nutrients of breast-milk, which are very essential in the first few months of the growing baby.

Research has indicated that this technique has helped thousands of women simultaneously enjoy the happiness of being a new mother and her corporate career.

What more could a woman ask for?